Mossberg 500 Cruiser 50455 18.5″ Barrel 410 Gauge
Since 1919, Mossberg® has been the leader in introducing important design breakthroughs to the firearm industry. Many product features pioneered by Mossberg® are now the standards by which all modern firearms are judged. Never content with the status quo, our men and women constantly strive to improve and update the capabilities of all Mossberg® products. In accomplishing this goal, we recognize that each improvement is a part of the “Shooting System” approach and most are designed to fit the shotgun you bought years ago.
The shooting sports have been an American tradition for generations. Today, thousands of sportsmen and sportswomen focus their energy on the betterment of the shooting sports by participating in national and local organizations. We sincerely appreciate these efforts, and we salute all future members for continuing our proud heritage.
No longer the overlooked member of the tactical shotgun family, the Mossberg 500 Cruiser 50455 410 gauge allows the shooter to have control and recoil management, being lightweight and made for many statures. The 410 gauge is a great option for a household to train with and use for home defense.
Free Gun Lock/10-Year Limited Warranty Included
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